Dan Bryk with Kat Goldman
Sunday Feb 2nd, 2024 • 12-2PM
Tranzac Club • Southern Cross Room
292 Brunswick Ave, Toronto • M5S 2M7
A weekend matinee gig with a real piano on hand, what’s not to love? Come out to my first Toronto stage sighting in well over a decade at the behest of one of my favourite songwriters period: the mighty Kat Goldman. She believes this might be her first local gig in about 7 years, although we have both played the occasional house concert and Catweazle (separately.)
I plan to play mostly new songs from my seemingly-endlessly-postponed-yet-nearly-done-and-absolutely-eventually-forthcoming long-player still titled “The Pains That Come With Age” and — assuming I can whip them into presentable shape — I will actually subject a live audience to a handful of even newer ones. Call it a workshop and double the price, amiright?
I go on at noon, Kat at 1.