I’m still here.

Hey folks.

Still writing, slowly but surely. I have a firm lineup of songs for the next album, definitely writing “inside of the box” with a “strategy” and a “game plan” this time, just struggling with finishing this specific batch of songs to the best of my limited ability. I even have a working title, but I’m sure you’d prefer fewer promises (and perhaps even some surprises) this time.

It’s tonally and rhythmically all over the map, but there’s kind of an overall theme (I would say “concept” but look how well that did for PP) tying it all together. Best songs I’ve ever written blah blah blah. You’ll like the song titles at the very least: my favourite so far is “Nestle Waters of America” which is sort of “People Get Ready” crossed with “Sail Away” crossed with this.

Hang in there, cause if I ever do get this album finished it will make the flowers bloom, the heavens part, and (most importantly) make Pop Psych sound like the ridiculous pity party it is.

Thanks for all your encouragement.


5 thoughts on “I’m still here.

  1. Looking forward to it. And I really did enjoy listening to Pity Party (over and over again) as well. C’mon – a good concept album is worth its weight in 1’s and 0’s. All joshing aside, it really was a great album.

  2. Hi,

    I’m just listening to your Discount store EP found on Jamendo and it’s good music.
    I have, however two little question about Lovers Leap, also – but not really – on Jamendo.
    If it’s there, it means that it is a free content license of some sort; but it’s not downloadable, so maybe not and it’s just crappy advertisement where it shouldn’t be – shame on you in that case.

    So does this album has a free content license?
    If no, what does it do on Jamendo? If yes, why can’t it be downloaded?

    Thanks for your great musical work,

    have a good day.

    1. Some of the song copyrights from Lovers Leap are under license from other parties, therefore I don’t have the rights to just give those away as a free download on Jamendo. (That’s why there’s one fewer song on the Jamendo version of “Discount Store” than the commercial release.)

      That said, I guess you’ve probably never paid musicians and engineers to record in a real studio, or else you would realize there’s no shame in wanting to actually be paid when people enjoy your work. It costs money to make great records sometimes – therefore not all music should be free, advertisement or not.

  3. Thanks for your answer.

    I was talking about the licence not the price (my bad; I should have said “Libre” instead). It’s a normal thing to make money from your work.
    It’s just a bit confusing – I’m still confused – to see music that is not free (as in freedom) on Jamendo, where everything is supposed to be free (as in freedom).

    Quote, from the website :
    “On Jamendo artists allow anyone to download and share their music. It’s *free*, legal and unlimited.”

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